In late April 2022, the PRISM Quartet presents a program of world premieres in SE Michigan, featuring new works by Flannery Cunningham, Michael Gordon, Bright Sheng, Andrew Litts, and Jung Yoon Wie.
Check back for venue information.
$25 general admissions, $20 seniors/students with ID (all fees included)
Box office contact info:
Check back soon for date, time, and ticket information.
New work (world premiere) by Bright Sheng
SXQT (world premiere) by Michael Gordon
Voler (world premiere) by Andrew Litts
Breath (world premiere) by Jung Yoon Wie, winner of The PRISM Quartet/Donald Sinta Commissioning Award
New work (world premiere) by Flannery Cunningham, winner of PRISM Quartet’s Robert Capanna Commissioning Award
This program is presented with generous support from the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs, the Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University, Conn-Selmer, and Meridian Winds.